Try Something New…

They say you should always try something new, what more perfect timing to do so as the New Year rings in. As with every new thing, comes with the fear of not knowing much about it. But I will assume as with most things it will be trial by error and a learn as I go, kind of thing. So after reading some tips and advice on a WordPress blog today, they say to start your first post off with why you are starting a blog.

So here goes:

For years, I have used social sites like Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram. And now it seems that most of them are filled with rants, drama, negativity, etc. I have been wanting to dabble in a new forum because I feel like all the stuff that comes from my mind is and can be too much in depth for some of those sites. And trust me when I say at times I have the most random and different thoughts even for me to try and process. It makes me think of the show years ago, Ally McBeal. As the main character was thinking of things, the sequences played out in her head, minus the dancing baby. Lately several people who know me well enough have suggested that maybe I need to start a blog, instead. Because either it comes out too long of a post, or mostly I feel as though people are thinking it’s only Facebook, or the “oh shut up” meme with Robert Downey that visualizes in my mind that leads me to start backspacing on all my words until the post box becomes blank. Leading me to WordPress and officially trying my hand at blogging.

Anyone with some advice or suggestions please feel free to share.

Here’s to new adventures and new beginnings!!

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